Anthobranchia :: Anthobranchia (n. pl.) A division of nudibranchiate Mollusca, in which the gills form a wreath or cluster upon the posterior part of the back. See Nudibranchiata, and Doris..
Appearance :: Appearance (n.) The act of appearing or coming into sight; the act of becoming visible to the eye; as, his sudden appearance surprised me..
Appearance :: Appearance (n.) A thing seed; a phenomenon; a phase; an apparition; as, an appearance in the sky..
Appearance :: Appearance (n.) Personal presence; exhibition of the person; look; aspect; mien.
Appearance :: Appearance (n.) Semblance, or apparent likeness; external show. pl. Outward signs, or circumstances, fitted to make a particular impression or to determine the judgment as to the character of a person or a thing, an act or a state; as, appearances are against him..
Appearance :: Appearance (n.) The act of appearing in a particular place, or in society, a company, or any proceedings; a coming before the public in a particular character; as, a person makes his appearance as an historian, an artist, or an orator..
Appearance :: Appearance (n.) The coming into court of either of the parties; the being present in court; the coming into court of a party summoned in an action, either by himself or by his attorney, expressed by a formal entry by the proper officer to that effect; the act or proceeding by which a party proceeded against places himself before the court, and submits to its jurisdiction..
Aspidobranchia :: Aspidobranchia (n. pl.) A group of Gastropoda, with limpetlike shells, including the abalone shells and keyhole limpets..
Assurance :: Assurance (n.) The act of assuring; a declaration tending to inspire full confidence; that which is designed to give confidence.
Assurance :: Assurance (n.) The state of being assured; firm persuasion; full confidence or trust; freedom from doubt; certainty.