Anthracite :: Anthracite (n.) A hard, compact variety of mineral coal, of high luster, differing from bituminous coal in containing little or no bitumen, in consequence of which it burns with a nearly non luminous flame. The purer specimens consist almost wholly of carbon. Also called glance coal and blind coal..
Anthracitic :: Anthracitic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or like, anthracite; as, anthracitic formations..
Boracic :: Boracic (a.) Pertaining to, or produced from, borax; containing boron; boric; as, boracic acid..
Boracite :: Boracite (n.) A mineral of a white or gray color occurring massive and in isometric crystals; in composition it is a magnesium borate with magnesium chloride.
Bracing :: Bracing (a.) Imparting strength or tone; strengthening; invigorating; as, a bracing north wind..
Bracing :: Bracing (n.) The act of strengthening, supporting, or propping, with a brace or braces; the state of being braced..
Bracing :: Bracing (n.) Any system of braces; braces, collectively; as, the bracing of a truss..
Carnivoracity :: Carnivoracity (n.) Greediness of appetite for flesh.
Cestraciont :: Cestraciont (n.) A shark of the genus Cestracion, and of related genera. The posterior teeth form a pavement of bony plates for crushing shellfish. Most of the species are extinct. The Port Jackson shark and a similar one found in California are living examples..
Cestraciont :: Cestraciont (a.) Pertaining to, or characteristic of, the genus Cestracion..