Cheiropterous :: Cheiropterous (a.) Belonging to the Cheiroptera, or Bat family..
Coleopterous :: Coleopterous (a.) Having wings covered with a case or sheath; belonging to the Coleoptera.
Dactylopterous :: Dactylopterous (a.) Having the inferior rays of the pectoral fins partially or entirely free, as in the gurnards..
Dipterocarpus :: Dipterocarpus (n.) A genus of trees found in the East Indies, some species of which produce a fragrant resin, other species wood oil. The fruit has two long wings..
Dipterous :: Dipterous (a.) Having two wings, as certain insects; belonging to the order Diptera..
Dipterous :: Dipterous (a.) Having two wings; two-winged.
Eurypteroid :: Eurypteroid (a.) Like, or pertaining to, the genus Euryperus..
Eurypteroidea :: Eurypteroidea (n. pl.) An extinct order of Merostomata, of which the genus Eurypterus is the type. They are found only in Paleozoic rocks..
Hemipterous :: Hemipterous (a.) Of or pertaining to the Hemiptera.
Polypteroidei :: Polypteroidei (n. pl.) A suborder of existing ganoid fishes having numerous fins along the back. The bichir, or Polypterus, is the type. See Illust. under Crossopterygian..
Pterobranchia :: Pterobranchia (n. pl.) An order of marine Bryozoa, having a bilobed lophophore and an axial cord. The genus Rhabdopleura is the type. Called also Podostomata. See Rhabdopleura..
Pteroceras :: Pteroceras (n.) A genus of large marine gastropods having the outer border of the lip divided into lobes; -- called also scorpion shell.
Pterocletes :: Pterocletes (n. pl.) A division of birds including the sand grouse. They are in some respects intermediate between the pigeons and true grouse. Called also Pteroclomorphae.