Approbation :: Approbation (n.) The act of approving; an assenting to the propriety of a thing with some degree of pleasure or satisfaction; approval; sanction; commendation.
Disapprobation :: Disapprobation (n.) The act of disapproving; mental condemnation of what is judged wrong, unsuitable, or inexpedient; feeling of censure..
Disapprobatory :: Disapprobatory (a.) Containing disapprobation; serving to disapprove.
Improbate :: Improbate (v. t.) To disapprove of; to disallow.
Improbation :: Improbation (n.) The act of disapproving; disapprobation.
Improbation :: Improbation (n.) The act by which falsehood and forgery are proved; an action brought for the purpose of having some instrument declared false or forged.
Probate :: Probate (n.) Official proof; especially, the proof before a competent officer or tribunal that an instrument offered, purporting to be the last will and testament of a person deceased, is indeed his lawful act; the copy of a will proved, under the seal of the Court of Probate, delivered to the executors with a certificate of its having been proved..
Probate :: Probate (n.) The right or jurisdiction of proving wills.
Probate :: Probate (a.) Of or belonging to a probate, or court of probate; as, a probate record..
Probate :: Probate (v. t.) To obtain the official approval of, as of an instrument purporting to be the last will and testament; as, the executor has probated the will..
Probation :: Probation (n.) The act of proving; also, that which proves anything; proof..
Probation :: Probation (n.) Any proceeding designed to ascertain truth, to determine character, qualification, etc.; examination; trial; as, to engage a person on probation..
Probation :: Probation (n.) The novitiate which a person must pass in a convent, to probe his or her virtue and ability to bear the severities of the rule..
Probation :: Probation (n.) The trial of a ministerial candidate's qualifications prior to his ordination, or to his settlement as a pastor..
Probation :: Probation (n.) Moral trial; the state of man in the present life, in which he has the opportunity of proving his character, and becoming qualified for a happier state..