Polychroite :: Polychroite (n.) The coloring matter of saffron; -- formerly so called because of the change of color on treatment with certain acids; -- called also crocin, and safranin..
Polychromate :: Polychromate (n.) A compound which exhibits, or from which may be prepared, a variety of colors, as certain solutions derived from vegetables, which display colors by fluorescence..
Polychromatic :: Polychromatic (a.) Showing a variety, or a change, of colors..
Polychrome :: Polychrome (n.) Esculin; -- so called in allusion to its fluorescent solutions.
Polychrome :: Polychrome (a.) Executed in the manner of polychromy; as, polychrome printing..
Polychromic :: Polychromic (a.) Pertaining to, or designating, any one of several acids (known only in their salts) which contain more than one atom of chromium..
Polychromous :: Polychromous (a.) Of or pertaining to polychromy; many-colored; polychromatic.
Polychromy :: Polychromy (n.) The art or practice of combining different colors, especially brilliant ones, in an artistic way..
Polychronious :: Polychronious (a.) Enduring through a long time; chronic.