Chloroplastid :: Chloroplastid (n.) A granule of chlorophyll; -- also called chloroleucite.
Chromoplastid :: Chromoplastid (n.) A protoplasmic granule of some other color than green; -- also called chromoleucite.
Cosmoplastic :: Cosmoplastic (a.) Pertaining to a plastic force as operative in the formation of the world independently of God; world-forming.
Deutoplastic :: Deutoplastic (a.) Pertaining to, or composed of, deutoplasm..
Ectoplastic :: Ectoplastic (a.) Pertaining to, or composed of, ectoplasm..
Embryoplastic :: Embryoplastic (n.) Relating to, or aiding in, the formation of an embryo; as, embryoplastic cells..
Emplastic :: Emplastic (a.) Fit to be applied as a plaster; glutinous; adhesive; as, emplastic applications..
Emplastic :: Emplastic (n.) A medicine causing constipation.
Endoplastica :: Endoplastica (n. pl.) A group of Rhizopoda having a distinct nucleus, as the am/ba..
Entoplastic :: Entoplastic (a.) Pertaining to, or composed of, entoplasm; as, the entoplastic products of some Protozoa, or the entoplastic modification of the cell protoplasm, by which a nucleus is produced..
Esemplastic :: Esemplastic (a.) Shaped into one; tending to, or formative into, unity..
Euplastic :: Euplastic (a.) Having the capacity of becoming organizable in a high degree, as the matter forming the false membranes which sometimes result from acute inflammation in a healthy person..
Euplastic :: Euplastic (n.) Organizable substance by which the tissues of an animal body are renewed.
Fibrinoplastic :: Fibrinoplastic (a.) Like fibrinoplastin; capable of forming fibrin when brought in contact with fibrinogen.
Fibrinoplastin :: Fibrinoplastin (n.) An albuminous substance, existing in the blood, which in combination with fibrinogen forms fibrin; -- called also paraglobulin..
Galvanoplastic :: Galvanoplastic (a.) Of or pertaining to the art or process of electrotyping; employing, or produced by, the process of electolytic deposition; as, a galvano-plastic copy of a medal or the like..
Haematoplastic :: Haematoplastic (a.) Blood formative; -- applied to a substance in early fetal life, which breaks up gradually into blood vessels..
Heteroplastic :: Heteroplastic (a.) Producing a different type of organism; developing into a different form of tissue, as cartilage which develops into bone..
Homoplastic :: Homoplastic (a.) Of or pertaining to homoplasty; as, homoplasticorgans; homoplastic forms..
Hyperplastic :: Hyperplastic (a.) Of or pertaining to hyperplasia.