Hesperid :: Hesperid (a. & n.) Same as 3d Hesperian.
Hesperidene :: Hesperidene (n.) An isomeric variety of terpene from orange oil.
Hesperides :: Hesperides (n. pl.) The daughters of Hesperus, or Night (brother of Atlas), and fabled possessors of a garden producing golden apples, in Africa, at the western extremity of the known world. To slay the guarding dragon and get some of these apples was one of the labors of Hercules. Called also Atlantides..
Hesperides :: Hesperides (n. pl.) The garden producing the golden apples.
Hesperidin :: Hesperidin (n.) A glucoside found in ripe and unripe fruit (as the orange), and extracted as a white crystalline substance..
Hesperidium :: Hesperidium (n.) A large berry with a thick rind, as a lemon or an orange..
Pepperidge :: Pepperidge (n.) A North American tree (Nyssa multiflora) with very tough wood, handsome oval polished leaves, and very acid berries, -- the sour gum, or common tupelo. See Tupelo..
Periderm :: Periderm (n.) The outer layer of bark.
Periderm :: Periderm (n.) The hard outer covering of hydroids and other marine animals; the perisarc.
Peridotite :: Peridotite (n.) An eruptive rock characterized by the presence of chrysolite (peridot). It also usually contains pyroxene, enstatite, chromite, etc. It is often altered to serpentine..
Peridrome :: Peridrome (n.) The space between the columns and the wall of the cella, in a Greek or a Roman temple..
Piperidine :: Piperidine (n.) An oily liquid alkaloid, C5H11N, having a hot, peppery, ammoniacal odor. It is related to pyridine, and is obtained by the decomposition of piperine..