Penitent :: Penitent (a.) Feeling pain or sorrow on account of sins or offenses; repentant; contrite; sincerely affected by a sense of guilt, and resolved on amendment of life..
Penitent :: Penitent (n.) One who repents of sin; one sorrowful on account of his transgressions.
Penitent :: Penitent (n.) One under church censure, but admitted to penance; one undergoing penance..
Penitent :: Penitent (n.) One under the direction of a confessor.
Penitential :: Penitential (a.) Of or pertaining to penitence, or to penance; expressing penitence; of the nature of penance; as, the penitential book; penitential tears..
Penitential :: Penitential (n.) A book formerly used by priests hearing confessions, containing rules for the imposition of penances; -- called also penitential book..
Penitentiary :: Penitentiary (n.) A small building in a monastery where penitents confessed.
Penitentiary :: Penitentiary (n.) That part of a church to which penitents were admitted.
Penitentiary :: Penitentiary (n.) An office of the papal court which examines cases of conscience, confession, absolution from vows, etc., and delivers decisions, dispensations, etc. Its chief is a cardinal, called the Grand Penitentiary, appointed by the pope..
Penitentiary :: Penitentiary (n.) An officer in some dioceses since A. D. 1215, vested with power from the bishop to absolve in cases reserved to him..
Penitentiary :: Penitentiary (n.) A house of correction, in which offenders are confined for punishment, discipline, and reformation, and in which they are generally compelled to labor..
Penitentiaryship :: Penitentiaryship (n.) The office or condition of a penitentiary of the papal court.