Impenetrability :: Impenetrability (n.) That property in virtue of which two portions of matter can not at the same time occupy the same portion of space.
Impenetrability :: Impenetrability (n.) Insusceptibility of intellectual or emotional impression; obtuseness; stupidity; coldness.
Impenetrable :: Impenetrable (a.) Incapable of being penetrated or pierced; not admitting the passage of other bodies; not to be entered; impervious; as, an impenetrable shield..
Impenetrable :: Impenetrable (a.) Having the property of preventing any other substance from occupying the same space at the same time.
Impenetrable :: Impenetrable (a.) Inaccessible, as to knowledge, reason, sympathy, etc.; unimpressible; not to be moved by arguments or motives; as, an impenetrable mind, or heart..
Impenetrableness :: Impenetrableness (n.) The quality of being impenetrable; impenetrability.
Impenetrably :: Impenetrably (adv.) In an impenetrable manner or state; imperviously.
Penetrability :: Penetrability (n.) The quality of being penetrable; susceptibility of being penetrated, entered, or pierced..
Penetrable :: Penetrable (a.) Capable of being penetrated, entered, or pierced. Used also figuratively..