Episcopalian :: Episcopalian (a.) Pertaining to bishops, or government by bishops; episcopal; specifically, of or relating to the Protestant Episcopal Church..
Episcopalian :: Episcopalian (n.) One who belongs to an episcopal church, or adheres to the episcopal form of church government and discipline; a churchman; specifically, in the United States, a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church..
Episcopalianism :: Episcopalianism (n.) The doctrine and usages of Episcopalians; episcopacy.
Espalier :: Espalier (n.) A railing or trellis upon which fruit trees or shrubs are trained, as upon a wall; a tree or row of trees so trained..
Espalier :: Espalier (v. t.) To form an espalier of, or to protect by an espalier..
Pali :: Pali (n.) A dialect descended from Sanskrit, and like that, a dead language, except when used as the sacred language of the Buddhist religion in Farther India, etc..
Palification :: Palification (n.) The act or practice of driving piles or posts into the ground to make it firm.
Paliform :: Paliform (a.) Resembling a palus; as, the paliform lobes of the septa in corals..
Palilogy :: Palilogy (n.) The repetition of a word, or part of a sentence, for the sake of greater emphasis; as, The living, the living, he shall praise thee..
Palimpsest :: Palimpsest (n.) A parchment which has been written upon twice, the first writing having been erased to make place for the second..
Palindrome :: Palindrome (n.) A word, verse, or sentence, that is the same when read backward or forward; as, madam; Hannah; or Lewd did I live, & evil I did dwel..