Acrotomous :: Acrotomous (a.) Having a cleavage parallel with the base.
Adenotomic :: Adenotomic (a.) Pertaining to adenotomy.
Adenotomy :: Adenotomy (n.) Dissection of, or incision into, a gland or glands..
Androtomous :: Androtomous (a.) Having the filaments of the stamens divided into two parts.
Androtomy :: Androtomy (n.) Dissection of the human body, as distinguished from zootomy; anthropotomy..
Anelectrotonus :: Anelectrotonus (n.) The condition of decreased irritability of a nerve in the region of the positive electrode or anode on the passage of a current of electricity through it.
Angeiotomy :: Angeiotomy () Same as Angiology, Angiotomy, etc..
Angiotomy :: Angiotomy (n.) Dissection of the blood vessels and lymphatics of the body.
Anthropotomical :: Anthropotomical (a.) Pertaining to anthropotomy, or the dissection of human bodies..
Anthropotomist :: Anthropotomist (n.) One who is versed in anthropotomy, or human anatomy..
Anthropotomy :: Anthropotomy (n.) The anatomy or dissection of the human body; androtomy.
Aplotomy :: Aplotomy (n.) Simple incision.
Aponeurotomy :: Aponeurotomy (n.) Dissection of aponeuroses.
Apotome :: Apotome (n.) The difference between two quantities commensurable only in power, as between �2 and 1, or between the diagonal and side of a square..
Apotome :: Apotome (n.) The remaining part of a whole tone after a smaller semitone has been deducted from it; a major semitone.
Arrenotokous :: Arrenotokous (a.) Producing males from unfertilized eggs, as certain wasps and bees..
Arteriotomy :: Arteriotomy (n.) The opening of an artery, esp. for bloodletting..
Arteriotomy :: Arteriotomy (n.) That part of anatomy which treats of the dissection of the arteries.
Astrophotography :: Astrophotography (n.) The application of photography to the delineation of the sun, moon, and stars..
Azotometer :: Azotometer (n.) An apparatus for measuring or determining the proportion of nitrogen; a nitrometer.
Azotous :: Azotous (a.) Nitrous; as, azotous acid..
Binotonous :: Binotonous (a.) Consisting of two notes; as, a binotonous cry..
Botocudos :: Botocudos (n. pl.) A Brazilian tribe of Indians, noted for their use of poisons; -- also called Aymbores..
Bronchotome :: Bronchotome (n.) An instrument for cutting into the bronchial tubes.
Bronchotomy :: Bronchotomy (n.) An incision into the windpipe or larynx, including the operations of tracheotomy and laryngotomy..
Calorimotor :: Calorimotor (n.) A voltaic battery, having a large surface of plate, and producing powerful heating effects..
Catelectrotonic :: Catelectrotonic (a.) Relating to, or characterized by, catelectrotonus..
Catelectrotonus :: Catelectrotonus (n.) The condition of increased irritability of a nerve in the region of the cathode or negative electrode, on the passage of a current of electricity through it..
Celotomy :: Celotomy (n.) The act or operation of cutting, to relieve the structure in strangulated hernia..
Cephalotome :: Cephalotome (n.) An instrument for cutting into the fetal head, to facilitate delivery..
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