Grossification :: Grossification (n.) The act of making gross or thick, or the state of becoming so..
Grossification :: Grossification (n.) The swelling of the ovary of plants after fertilization. Henslow.
Ossiferous :: Ossiferous (a.) Containing or yielding bone.
Ossific :: Ossific (a.) Capable of producing bone; having the power to change cartilage or other tissue into bone.
Ossification :: Ossification (n.) The formation of bone; the process, in the growth of an animal, by which inorganic material (mainly lime salts) is deposited in cartilage or membrane, forming bony tissue; ostosis..
Ossification :: Ossification (n.) The state of being changed into a bony substance; also, a mass or point of ossified tissue..
Ossified :: Ossified (a.) Changed to bone or something resembling bone; hardened by deposits of mineral matter of any kind; -- said of tissues.