Cosmical :: Cosmical (a.) Pertaining to the universe, and having special reference to universal law or order, or to the one grand harmonious system of things; hence; harmonious; orderly..
Cosmical :: Cosmical (a.) Pertaining to the solar system as a whole, and not to the earth alone..
Cosmical :: Cosmical (a.) Characteristic of the cosmos or universe; inconceivably great; vast; as, cosmic speed..
Cosmical :: Cosmical (a.) Rising or setting with the sun; -- the opposite of acronycal.
Cosmically :: Cosmically (adv.) With the sun at rising or setting; as, a star is said to rise or set cosmically when it rises or sets with the sun..
Iridosmium :: Iridosmium (n.) The native compound of iridium and osmium. It is found in flattened metallic grains of extreme hardness, and is often used for pointing gold pens..
Macrocosmic :: Macrocosmic (a.) Of or pertaining to the macrocosm.
Microcosmical :: Microcosmical (a.) Of or pertaining to the microcosm.
Neocosmic :: Neocosmic (a.) Of or pertaining to the universe in its present state; specifically, pertaining to the races of men known to history..
Osmiamate :: Osmiamate (n.) A salt of osmiamic acid.
Osmiamic :: Osmiamic (a.) Of, pertaining to, or designating, a nitrogenous acid of osmium, H2N2Os2O5, forming a well-known series of yellow salts..
Osmic :: Osmic (a.) Pertaining to, derived from, or containing, osmium; specifically, designating those compounds in which it has a valence higher than in other lower compounds; as, osmic oxide..
Osmidrosis :: Osmidrosis (n.) The secretion of fetid sweat.
Osmious :: Osmious (a.) Denoting those compounds of osmium in which the element has a valence relatively lower than in the osmic compounds; as, osmious chloride..
Osmium :: Osmium (n.) A rare metallic element of the platinum group, found native as an alloy in platinum ore, and in iridosmine. It is a hard, infusible, bluish or grayish white metal, and the heaviest substance known. Its tetroxide is used in histological experiments to stain tissues. Symbol Os. Atomic weight 191.1. Specific gravity 22.477..