Accoast :: Accoast (v. t. & i.) To lie or sail along the coast or side of; to accost.
Boast :: Boast (v. i.) To vaunt one's self; to brag; to say or tell things which are intended to give others a high opinion of one's self or of things belonging to one's self; as, to boast of one's exploits courage, descent, wealth..
Boast :: Boast (v. i.) To speak in exulting language of another; to glory; to exult.
Boast :: Boast (v. t.) To display in ostentatious language; to speak of with pride, vanity, or exultation, with a view to self-commendation; to extol..
Boast :: Boast (v. t.) To display vaingloriously.
Boast :: Boast (v. t.) To possess or have; as, to boast a name..
Boast :: Boast (v. t.) To dress, as a stone, with a broad chisel..
Boast :: Boast (v. t.) To shape roughly as a preparation for the finer work to follow; to cut to the general form required.
Boast :: Boast (n.) Act of boasting; vaunting or bragging.
Boast :: Boast (n.) The cause of boasting; occasion of pride or exultation, -- sometimes of laudable pride or exultation..
Boaster :: Boaster (n.) One who boasts; a braggart.
Boaster :: Boaster (n.) A stone mason's broad-faced chisel.
Boastful :: Boastful (a.) Given to, or full of, boasting; inclined to boast; vaunting; vainglorious; self-praising..
Boasting :: Boasting (n.) The act of glorying or vaunting; vainglorious speaking; ostentatious display.
Boastless :: Boastless (a.) Without boasting or ostentation.
Chloasma :: Chloasma (n.) A cutaneous affection characterized by yellow or yellowish brown pigmented spots.
Coast :: Coast (v. t.) The side of a thing.
Coast :: Coast (v. t.) The exterior line, limit, or border of a country; frontier border..
Coast :: Coast (v. t.) The seashore, or land near it..
Coast :: Coast (n.) To draw or keep near; to approach.
Coast :: Coast (n.) To sail by or near the shore.
Coast :: Coast (n.) To sail from port to port in the same country.
Coast :: Coast (n.) To slide down hill; to slide on a sled, upon snow or ice..
Coast :: Coast (v. t.) To draw near to; to approach; to keep near, or by the side of..