Circumnutate :: Circumnutate (v. i.) To pass through the stages of circumnutation.
Circumnutation :: Circumnutation (n.) The successive bowing or bending in different directions of the growing tip of the stems of many plants, especially seen in climbing plants..
Diminutal :: Diminutal (a.) Indicating or causing diminution.
Minutary :: Minutary (a.) Pertaining to, or consisting of, minutes..
Nutant :: Nutant (a.) Nodding; having the top bent downward.
Nutation :: Nutation (n.) A very small libratory motion of the earth's axis, by which its inclination to the plane of the ecliptic is constantly varying by a small amount..
Nutation :: Nutation (n.) The motion of a flower in following the apparent movement of the sun, from the east in the morning to the west in the evening..