Abrenunciation :: Abrenunciation (n.) Absolute renunciation or repudiation.
Acinus :: Acinus (n.) One of the small grains or drupelets which make up some kinds of fruit, as the blackberry, raspberry, etc..
Acinus :: Acinus (n.) A grapestone.
Acinus :: Acinus (n.) One of the granular masses which constitute a racemose or compound gland, as the pancreas; also, one of the saccular recesses in the lobules of a racemose gland..
Actinula :: Actinula (n. pl.) A kind of embryo of certain hydroids (Tubularia), having a stellate form..
Adnubilated :: Adnubilated (a.) Clouded; obscured.
Agnus :: Agnus (n.) Agnus Dei.
Agnus Castus :: Agnus castus () A species of Vitex (V. agnus castus); the chaste tree.
Agnus Dei :: Agnus Dei () A figure of a lamb bearing a cross or flag.
Agnus Dei :: Agnus Dei () A cake of wax stamped with such a figure. It is made from the remains of the paschal candles and blessed by the Pope.
Agnus Dei :: Agnus Dei () A triple prayer in the sacrifice of the Mass, beginning with the words Agnus Dei..
Agnuses :: Agnuses (pl. ) of Agnu.
Alaternus :: Alaternus (n.) An ornamental evergreen shrub (Rhamnus alaternus) belonging to the buckthorns.
Albuminuria :: Albuminuria (n.) A morbid condition in which albumin is present in the urine.
Alburnum :: Alburnum (n.) The white and softer part of wood, between the inner bark and the hard wood or duramen; sapwood..
Aluminum :: Aluminum (n.) See Aluminium.
Alumnus :: Alumnus (n.) A pupil; especially, a graduate of a college or other seminary of learning..
Amanuenses :: Amanuenses (pl. ) of Amanuensi.
Amanuensis :: Amanuensis (n.) A person whose employment is to write what another dictates, or to copy what another has written..
Amenuse :: Amenuse (v. t.) To lessen.
Anelectrotonus :: Anelectrotonus (n.) The condition of decreased irritability of a nerve in the region of the positive electrode or anode on the passage of a current of electricity through it.
Annual :: Annual (a.) Of or pertaining to a year; returning every year; coming or happening once in the year; yearly.
Annual :: Annual (a.) Performed or accomplished in a year; reckoned by the year; as, the annual motion of the earth..
Annual :: Annual (a.) Lasting or continuing only one year or one growing season; requiring to be renewed every year; as, an annual plant; annual tickets..
Annual :: Annual (n.) A thing happening or returning yearly; esp. a literary work published once a year.
Annual :: Annual (n.) Anything, especially a plant, that lasts but one year or season; an annual plant..
Annual :: Annual (n.) A Mass for a deceased person or for some special object, said daily for a year or on the anniversary day..
Annualist :: Annualist (n.) One who writes for, or who edits, an annual..
Annually :: Annually (adv.) Yearly; year by year.
Annuary :: Annuary (a.) Annual.
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