Niggard :: Niggard (n.) A person meanly close and covetous; one who spends grudgingly; a stingy, parsimonous fellow; a miser..
Niggard :: Niggard (a.) Like a niggard; meanly covetous or parsimonious; niggardly; miserly; stingy.
Niggard :: Niggard (v. t. & i.) To act the niggard toward; to be niggardly.
Niggardliness :: Niggardliness (n.) The quality or state of being niggard; meanness in giving or spending; parsimony; stinginess.
Niggardly :: Niggardly (a.) Meanly covetous or avarcious in dealing with others; stingy; niggard.
Nigged :: nigged (n.) Hammer-dressed; -- said of building stone.
Nigger :: Nigger (n.) A negro; -- in vulgar derision or depreciation.
Niggle :: Niggle (v. t.) To trifle with; to deceive; to mock.
Niggle :: Niggle (v. t.) To act or walk mincingly.
Niggle :: Niggle (v. t.) To fret and snarl about trifles.
Sniggle :: Sniggle (v. i.) To fish for eels by thrusting the baited hook into their holes or hiding places.
Sniggle :: Sniggle (v. t.) To catch, as an eel, by sniggling; hence, to hook; to insnare..