Alienee :: Alienee (n.) One to whom the title of property is transferred; -- opposed to alienor.
Arnee :: Arnee (n.) The wild buffalo of India (Bos, or Bubalus, arni), larger than the domestic buffalo and having enormous horns..
Assignee :: Assignee (v.) A person to whom an assignment is made; a person appointed or deputed by another to do some act, perform some business, or enjoy some right, privilege, or property; as, an assignee of a bankrupt. See Assignment (c). An assignee may be by special appointment or deed, or be created by jaw; as an executor..
Assignee :: Assignee (v.) In England, the persons appointed, under a commission of bankruptcy, to manage the estate of a bankrupt for the benefit of his creditors..
Auctioneer :: Auctioneer (n.) A person who sells by auction; a person whose business it is to dispose of goods or lands by public sale to the highest or best bidder.
Auctioneer :: Auctioneer (v. t.) To sell by auction; to auction.
Bargainee :: Bargainee (v. i.) The party to a contract who receives, or agrees to receive, the property sold..
Buccaneer :: Buccaneer (n.) A robber upon the sea; a pirate; -- a term applied especially to the piratical adventurers who made depredations on the Spaniards in America in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Buccaneer :: Buccaneer (v. i.) To act the part of a buccaneer; to live as a piratical adventurer or sea robber.
Domineer :: Domineer (v. t.) To rule with insolence or arbitrary sway; to play the master; to be overbearing; to tyrannize; to bluster; to swell with conscious superiority or haughtiness; -- often with over; as, to domineer over dependents..
Donee :: Donee (n.) The person to whom a gift or donation is made.
Donee :: Donee (n.) Anciently, one to whom lands were given; in later use, one to whom lands and tenements are given in tail; in modern use, one on whom a power is conferred for execution; -- sometimes called the appointor..
Electioneer :: Electioneer (v. i.) To make interest for a candidate at an election; to use arts for securing the election of a candidate.