Myotic :: Myotic (a.) Producing myosis, or contraction of the pupil of the eye, as opium, calabar bean, etc..
Myotome :: Myotome (n.) A muscular segment; one of the zones into which the muscles of the trunk, especially in fishes, are divided; a myocomma..
Myotome :: Myotome (n.) One of the embryonic muscular segments arising from the protovertebrae; also, one of the protovertebrae themselves..
Myotome :: Myotome (n.) The muscular system of one metamere of an articulate.
Myotomic :: Myotomic (a.) Of or pertaining to a myotome or myotomes.
Myotomy :: Myotomy (n.) The dissection, or that part of anatomy which treats of the dissection, of muscles..