Almude :: Almude (n.) A measure for liquids in several countries. In Portugal the Lisbon almude is about 4.4, and the Oporto almude about 6.6, gallons U. S. measure. In Turkey the almud is about 1.4 gallons..
Bemuddle :: Bemuddle (v. t.) To muddle; to stupefy or bewilder; to confuse.
Bermuda Grass :: Bermuda grass () A kind of grass (Cynodon Dactylon) esteemed for pasture in the Southern United States. It is a native of Southern Europe, but is now wide-spread in warm countries; -- called also scutch grass, and in Bermuda, devil grass..
Curmudgeon :: Curmudgeon (n.) An avaricious, grasping fellow; a miser; a niggard; a churl..
Curmudgeonly :: Curmudgeonly (a.) Like a curmudgeon; niggardly; churlish; as, a curmudgeonly fellow..
Mud :: Mud (n.) Earth and water mixed so as to be soft and adhesive.
Mudar :: Mudar (n.) Either one of two asclepiadaceous shrubs (Calotropis gigantea, and C. procera), which furnish a strong and valuable fiber. The acrid milky juice is used medicinally..
Mudarin :: Mudarin (n.) A brown, amorphous, bitter substance having a strong emetic action, extracted from the root of the mudar..
Muddily :: Muddily (adv.) In a muddy manner; turbidly; without mixture; cloudily; obscurely; confusedly.
Muddiness :: Muddiness (n.) The condition or quality of being muddy; turbidness; foulness caused by mud, dirt, or sediment; as, the muddiness of a stream..
Muddiness :: Muddiness (n.) Obscurity or confusion, as in treatment of a subject; intellectual dullness..
Muddle :: Muddle (v. t.) To make turbid, or muddy, as water..
Muddle :: Muddle (v. t.) To cloud or stupefy; to render stupid with liquor; to intoxicate partially.
Muddle :: Muddle (v. t.) To waste or misuse, as one does who is stupid or intoxicated..
Muddle :: Muddle (v. t.) To mix confusedly; to confuse; to make a mess of; as, to muddle matters; also, to perplex; to mystify..