Able-minded :: Able-minded (a.) Having much intellectual power.
Absent-minded :: Absent-minded (a.) Absent in mind; abstracted; preoccupied.
Alike-minded :: Alike-minded (a.) Like-minded.
Bloody-minded :: Bloody-minded (a.) Having a cruel, ferocious disposition; bloodthirsty..
Carnal-minded :: Carnal-minded (a.) Worldly-minded.
Carnal-mindedness :: Carnal-mindedness (n.) Grossness of mind.
Doubleminded :: Doubleminded (a.) Having different minds at different times; unsettled; undetermined.
Earthly-minded :: Earthly-minded (a.) Having a mind devoted to earthly things; worldly-minded; -- opposed to spiritual-minded.
Evenminded :: Evenminded (a.) Having equanimity.
Evil-minded :: Evil-minded (a.) Having evil dispositions or intentions; disposed to mischief or sin; malicious; malignant; wicked.
Fair-minded :: Fair-minded (a.) Unprejudiced; just; judicial; honest.
Feeble-minded :: Feeble-minded (a.) Weak in intellectual power; wanting firmness or constancy; irresolute; vacilating; imbecile.
Free-minded :: Free-minded (a.) Not perplexed; having a mind free from care.
Heavenlyminded :: Heavenlyminded (a.) Having the thoughts and affections placed on, or suitable for, heaven and heavenly objects; devout; godly; pious..
High-minded :: High-minded (a.) Proud; arrogant.
High-minded :: High-minded (a.) Having, or characterized by, honorable pride; of or pertaining to elevated principles and feelings; magnanimous; -- opposed to mean..
High-mindedness :: High-mindedness (n.) The quality of being highminded; nobleness; magnanimity.
Ill-minded :: Ill-minded (a.) Ill-disposed.
Light-minded :: Light-minded (a.) Unsettled; unsteady; volatile; not considerate.
Like-minded :: Like-minded (a.) Having a like disposition or purpose; of the same mind.
Low-minded :: Low-minded (a.) Inclined in mind to low or unworthy things; showing a base mind.
Low-mindedness :: Low-mindedness (n.) The quality of being lowminded; meanness; baseness.
Many-minded :: Many-minded (a.) Having many faculties; versatile; many-sided.
Mind :: Mind (v.) The intellectual or rational faculty in man; the understanding; the intellect; the power that conceives, judges, or reasons; also, the entire spiritual nature; the soul; -- often in distinction from the body..
Mind :: Mind (v.) The state, at any given time, of the faculties of thinking, willing, choosing, and the like; psychical activity or state; as: (a) Opinion; judgment; belief..
Mind :: Mind (v.) Choice; inclination; liking; intent; will.
Mind :: Mind (v.) Courage; spirit.
Mind :: Mind (v.) Memory; remembrance; recollection; as, to have or keep in mind, to call to mind, to put in mind, etc..
Mind :: Mind (n.) To fix the mind or thoughts on; to regard with attention; to treat as of consequence; to consider; to heed; to mark; to note.
Mind :: Mind (n.) To occupy one's self with; to employ one's self about; to attend to; as, to mind one's business..
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