Almightful :: Almightful (a.) Alt. of Almightifu.
Almightiful :: Almightiful (a.) All-powerful; almighty.
Almightily :: Almightily (adv.) With almighty power.
Almightiness :: Almightiness (n.) Omnipotence; infinite or boundless power; unlimited might.
Almighty :: Almighty (a.) Unlimited in might; omnipotent; all-powerful; irresistible.
Almighty :: Almighty (a.) Great; extreme; terrible.
Armiger :: Armiger (n.) Formerly, an armor bearer, as of a knight, an esquire who bore his shield and rendered other services. In later use, one next in degree to a knight, and entitled to armorial bearings. The term is now superseded by esquire..
Armigerous :: Armigerous (a.) Bearing arms.
Chemiglyphic :: Chemiglyphic (a.) Engraved by a voltaic battery.
Commigrate :: Commigrate (v. i.) To migrate together.
Commigration :: Commigration (n.) Migration together.
Demigod :: Demigod (n.) A half god, or an inferior deity; a fabulous hero, the offspring of a deity and a mortal..
Demigoddess :: Demigoddess (n.) A female demigod.
Demigorge :: Demigorge (n.) Half the gorge, or entrance into a bastion, taken from the angle of the flank to the center of the bastion..
Demigrate :: Demigrate (v. i.) To emigrate.
Demigration :: Demigration (n.) Emigration.
Demigroat :: Demigroat (n.) A half groat.
Emigrant :: Emigrant (v. i.) Removing from one country to another; emigrating; as, an emigrant company or nation..
Emigrant :: Emigrant (v. i.) Pertaining to an emigrant; used for emigrants; as, an emigrant ship or hospital..
Emigrant :: Emigrant (n.) One who emigrates, or quits one country or region to settle in another..
Emigrate :: Emigrate (v. i.) To remove from one country or State to another, for the purpose of residence; to migrate from home..
Emigrate :: Emigrate (a.) Migratory; roving.
Emigrated :: Emigrated (imp. & p. p.) of Emigrat.
Emigrating :: Emigrating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Emigrat.
Emigration :: Emigration (n.) The act of emigrating; removal from one country or state to another, for the purpose of residence, as from Europe to America, or, in America, from the Atlantic States to the Western..
Emigration :: Emigration (n.) A body emigrants; emigrants collectively; as, the German emigration..
Emigrational :: Emigrational (a.) Relating to emigration.
Emigrationist :: Emigrationist (n.) An advocate or promoter of emigration.
Emigrator :: Emigrator (n.) One who emigrates; am emigrant.
Emigre :: Emigre (n.) One of the natives of France who were opposed to the first Revolution, and who left their country in consequence..
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