Ametabolous :: Ametabolous (a.) Not undergoing any metamorphosis; as, ametabolic insects..
Antimetabole :: Antimetabole (n.) A figure in which the same words or ideas are repeated in transposed order.
Hemimetabola :: Hemimetabola (n. pl.) Those insects which have an incomplete metamorphosis.
Hemimetabolic :: Hemimetabolic (a.) Having an incomplete metamorphosis, the larvae differing from the adults chiefly in laking wings, as in the grasshoppers and cockroaches..
Holometabola :: Holometabola (n. pl.) Those insects which have a complete metamorphosis; metabola.
Holometabolic :: Holometabolic (a.) Having a complete metamorphosis;-said of certain insects, as the butterflies and bees..
Metabolism :: Metabolism (n.) The act or process, by which living tissues or cells take up and convert into their own proper substance the nutritive material brought to them by the blood, or by which they transform their cell protoplasm into simpler substances, which are fitted either for excretion or for some special purpose, as in the manufacture of the digestive ferments. Hence, metabolism may be either constructive (anabolism), or destructive (katabolism)..
Metabolite :: Metabolite (n.) A product of metabolism; a substance produced by metabolic action, as urea..
Metabolize :: Metabolize (v. t. & i.) To change by a metabolic process. See Metabolism.