Admaxillary :: Admaxillary (a.) Near to the maxilla or jawbone.
Anticlimax :: Anticlimax (n.) A sentence in which the ideas fall, or become less important and striking, at the close; -- the opposite of climax. It produces a ridiculous effect..
Climax :: Climax (v. i.) A figure in which the parts of a sentence or paragraph are so arranged that each succeeding one rises above its predecessor in impressiveness.
Climax :: Climax (v. i.) The highest point; the greatest degree.
Homaxonial :: Homaxonial (a.) Relating to that kind of homology or symmetry, the mathematical conception of organic form, in which all axes are equal. See under Promorphology..
Inframaxillary :: Inframaxillary (a.) Under the lower jaw; submaxillary; as, the inframaxillary nerve..
Inframaxillary :: Inframaxillary (a.) Of or pertaining to the lower iaw.
Limax :: Limax (n.) A genus of airbreathing mollusks, including the common garden slugs. They have a small rudimentary shell. The breathing pore is on the right side of the neck. Several species are troublesome in gardens. See Slug..
Maxilla :: Maxilla (n.) The bone of either the upper or the under jaw.
Maxilla :: Maxilla (n.) The bone, or principal bone, of the upper jaw, the bone of the lower jaw being the mandible..
Maxilla :: Maxilla (n.) One of the lower or outer jaws of arthropods.
Maxillary :: Maxillary (a.) Pertaining to either the upper or the lower jaw, but now usually applied to the upper jaw only..
Maxillary :: Maxillary (n.) The principal maxillary bone; the maxilla.
Maxillary :: Maxillary (n.) Of or pertaining to a maxilla.
Maxilliform :: Maxilliform (a.) Having the form, or structure, of a maxilla..
Maxilliped :: Maxilliped (n.) One of the mouth appendages of Crustacea, situated next behind the maxillae. Crabs have three pairs, but many of the lower Crustacea have but one pair of them. Called also jawfoot, and foot jaw..
Maxillo-mandibular :: Maxillo-mandibular (a.) Pertaining to the maxilla and mandible; as, the maxillo-mandibular nerve..
Maxillo-palatine :: Maxillo-palatine (a.) Pertaining to the maxillary and palatine regions of the skull; as, the maxillo-palatine process of the maxilla. Also used as n..
Maxilloturbinal :: Maxilloturbinal (a.) Pertaining to the maxillary and turbinal regions of the skull.
Maxilloturbinal :: Maxilloturbinal (n.) The maxillo-turbinal, or inferior turbinate, bone..
Maxim :: Maxim (n.) An established principle or proposition; a condensed proposition of important practical truth; an axiom of practical wisdom; an adage; a proverb; an aphorism.
Maxim :: Maxim (n.) The longest note formerly used, equal to two longs, or four breves; a large..