Free-martin :: Free-martin (n.) An imperfect female calf, twinborn with a male..
Martin :: Martin (n.) A perforated stone-faced runner for grinding.
Martin :: Martin (n.) One of several species of swallows, usually having the tail less deeply forked than the tail of the common swallows..
Martinet :: Martinet (n.) In military language, a strict disciplinarian; in general, one who lays stress on a rigid adherence to the details of discipline, or to forms and fixed methods..
Martineta :: Martineta (n.) A species of tinamou (Calopezus elegans), having a long slender crest..
Martinetism :: Martinetism (n.) The principles or practices of a martinet; rigid adherence to discipline, etc..
Martingal :: Martingal (n.) A strap fastened to a horse's girth, passing between his fore legs, and fastened to the bit, or now more commonly ending in two rings, through which the reins pass. It is intended to hold down the head of the horse, and prevent him from rearing..
Martingal :: Martingal (n.) A lower stay of rope or chain for the jib boom or flying jib boom, fastened to, or reeved through, the dolphin striker. Also, the dolphin striker itself..
Martingal :: Martingal (n.) The act of doubling, at each stake, that which has been lost on the preceding stake; also, the sum so risked; -- metaphorically derived from the bifurcation of the martingale of a harness..