Manganese :: Manganese (n.) An element obtained by reduction of its oxide, as a hard, grayish white metal, fusible with difficulty, but easily oxidized. Its ores occur abundantly in nature as the minerals pyrolusite, manganite, etc. Symbol Mn. Atomic weight 54.8..
Manganic :: Manganic (a.) Of, pertaining to resembling, or containing, manganese; specif., designating compounds in which manganese has a higher valence as contrasted with manganous compounds. Cf. Manganous..
Manganite :: Manganite (n.) One of the oxides of manganese; -- called also gray manganese ore. It occurs in brilliant steel-gray or iron-black crystals, also massive..
Manganite :: Manganite (n.) A compound of manganese dioxide with a metallic oxide; so called as though derived from the hypothetical manganous acid.
Manganous :: Manganous (a.) Of, pertaining to, designating, those compounds of manganese in which the element has a lower valence as contrasted with manganic compounds; as, manganous oxide..