Malacissation :: Malacissation (n.) The act of making soft or supple.
Malacobdella :: Malacobdella (n.) A genus of nemertean worms, parasitic in the gill cavity of clams and other bivalves. They have a large posterior sucker, like that of a leech. See Illust. of Bdellomorpha..
Malacoderm :: Malacoderm (n.) One of a tribe of beetles (Malacodermata), with a soft and flexible body, as the fireflies..
Malacopterygii :: Malacopterygii (n. pl.) An order of fishes in which the fin rays, except the anterior ray of the pectoral and dorsal fins, are closely jointed, and not spiny. It includes the carp, pike, salmon, shad, etc. Called also Malacopteri..
Malacosteon :: Malacosteon (n.) A peculiar disease of the bones, in consequence of which they become softened and capable of being bent without breaking..
Malacostomous :: Malacostomous (a.) Having soft jaws without teeth, as certain fishes..
Malacostraca :: Malacostraca (n. pl.) A subclass of Crustacea, including Arthrostraca and Thoracostraca, or all those higher than the Entomostraca..
Malacozoa :: Malacozoa (n. pl.) An extensive group of Invertebrata, including the Mollusca, Brachiopoda, and Bryozoa. Called also Malacozoaria..
Malacozoic :: Malacozoic (a.) Of or pertaining to the Malacozoa.
Osteomalacia :: Osteomalacia (n.) A disease of the bones, in which they lose their earthy material, and become soft, flexible, and distorted. Also called malacia..