Afloat :: Afloat (adv. & a.) Borne on the water; floating; on board ship.
Afloat :: Afloat (adv. & a.) Moving; passing from place to place; in general circulation; as, a rumor is afloat..
Afloat :: Afloat (adv. & a.) Unfixed; moving without guide or control; adrift; as, our affairs are all afloat..
Bloat :: Bloat (v. t.) To make turgid, as with water or air; to cause a swelling of the surface of, from effusion of serum in the cellular tissue, producing a morbid enlargement, often accompanied with softness..
Bloat :: Bloat (v. t.) To inflate; to puff up; to make vain.
Bloat :: Bloat (v. i.) To grow turgid as by effusion of liquid in the cellular tissue; to puff out; to swell.
Bloated :: Bloated (p. a.) Distended beyond the natural or usual size, as by the presence of water, serum, etc.; turgid; swollen; as, a bloated face. Also, puffed up with pride; pompous..
Cloaca :: Cloaca (n.) The common chamber into which the intestinal, urinary, and generative canals discharge in birds, reptiles, amphibians, and many fishes..
Cloacal :: Cloacal (a.) Of or pertaining to a cloaca.
Cloak :: Cloak (n.) A loose outer garment, extending from the neck downwards, and commonly without sleeves. It is longer than a cape, and is worn both by men and by women..
Cloak :: Cloak (n.) That which conceals; a disguise or pretext; an excuse; a fair pretense; a mask; a cover.
Cloak :: Cloak (v. t.) To cover with, or as with, a cloak; hence, to hide or conceal..