Alecithal :: Alecithal (a.) Applied to those ova which segment uniformly, and which have little or no food yelk embedded in their protoplasm..
Centrolecithal :: Centrolecithal (a.) Having the food yolk placed at the center of the ovum, segmentation being either regular or unequal..
Ectolecithal :: Ectolecithal (a.) Having the food yolk, at the commencement of segmentation, in a peripheral position, and the cleavage process confined to the center of the egg; as, ectolecithal ova..
Lecithin :: Lecithin (n.) A complex, nitrogenous phosphorized substance widely distributed through the animal body, and especially conspicuous in the brain and nerve tissue, in yolk of eggs, and in the white blood corpuscles..