Ahull :: Ahull (adv.) With the sails furled, and the helm lashed alee; -- applied to ships in a storm. See Hull, n..
Hull :: Hull (v. t.) The outer covering of anything, particularly of a nut or of grain; the outer skin of a kernel; the husk..
Hull :: Hull (v. t.) The frame or body of a vessel, exclusive of her masts, yards, sails, and rigging..
Hull :: Hull (v. t.) To strip off or separate the hull or hulls of; to free from integument; as, to hull corn..
Hull :: Hull (v. t.) To pierce the hull of, as a ship, with a cannon ball..
Hull :: Hull (v. i.) To toss or drive on the water, like the hull of a ship without sails..
Huller :: Huller (n.) One who, or that which, hulls; especially, an agricultural machine for removing the hulls from grain; a hulling machine..
Hully :: Hully (a.) Having or containing hulls.