Beholden :: Beholden (p. a.) Obliged; bound in gratitude; indebted.
Beholder :: Beholder (n.) One who beholds; a spectator.
Bill Holder :: Bill holder () A person who holds a bill or acceptance.
Bill Holder :: Bill holder () A device by means of which bills, etc., are held..
Bondholder :: Bondholder (n.) A person who holds the bonds of a public or private corporation for the payment of money at a certain time.
Bookholder :: Bookholder (n.) A support for a book, holding it open, while one reads or copies from it..
Borsholder :: Borsholder (a.) The head or chief of a tithing, or borough (see 2d Borough); the headborough; a parish constable..
Bottleholder :: Bottleholder (n.) One who attends a pugilist in a prize fight; -- so called from the bottle of water of which he has charge.
Bottleholder :: Bottleholder (n.) One who assists or supports another in a contest; an abettor; a backer.
Candleholder :: Candleholder (n.) One who, or that which, holds a candle; also, one who assists another, but is otherwise not of importance..
Copyholder :: Copyholder (n.) A device for holding copy for a compositor.
Copyholder :: Copyholder (n.) One who reads copy to a proof reader.
Fundholder :: Fundholder (a.) One who has money invested in the public funds.
High-holder :: High-holder (n.) The flicker; -- called also high-hole.
Holder :: Holder (n.) One who is employed in the hold of a vessel.
Holder :: Holder (n.) One who, or that which, holds..
Holder :: Holder (n.) One who holds land, etc., under another; a tenant..
Holder :: Holder (n.) The payee of a bill of exchange or a promissory note, or the one who owns or holds it..
Holder-forth :: Holder-forth (n.) One who speaks in public; an haranguer; a preacher.
Householder :: Householder (n.) The master or head of a family; one who occupies a house with his family.
Landholder :: Landholder (n.) A holder, owner, or proprietor of land..