Agility :: Agility (n.) The quality of being agile; the power of moving the limbs quickly and easily; nimbleness; activity; quickness of motion; as, strength and agility of body..
Argil :: Argil (n.) Clay, or potter's earth; sometimes pure clay, or alumina. See Clay..
Argillaceous :: Argillaceous (a.) Of the nature of clay; consisting of, or containing, argil or clay; clayey..
Argilliferous :: Argilliferous (a.) Producing clay; -- applied to such earths as abound with argil.
Argillite :: Argillite (n.) Argillaceous schist or slate; clay slate. Its colors is bluish or blackish gray, sometimes greenish gray, brownish red, etc..
Argillo-areenaceous :: Argillo-areenaceous (a.) Consisting of, or containing, clay and sand, as a soil..
Argillo-calcareous :: Argillo-calcareous (a.) Consisting of, or containing, clay and calcareous earth..