Affluxion :: Affluxion (n.) The act of flowing towards; afflux.
Defluxion :: Defluxion (n.) A discharge or flowing of humors or fluid matter, as from the nose in catarrh; -- sometimes used synonymously with inflammation..
Effluxion :: Effluxion (n.) The act of flowing out; effusion.
Effluxion :: Effluxion (n.) That which flows out; effluvium; emanation.
Fluxion :: Fluxion (n.) Fusion; the running of metals into a fluid state.
Fluxion :: Fluxion (n.) An unnatural or excessive flow of blood or fluid toward any organ; a determination.
Fluxion :: Fluxion (n.) A constantly varying indication.
Fluxion :: Fluxion (n.) The infinitely small increase or decrease of a variable or flowing quantity in a certain infinitely small and constant period of time; the rate of variation of a fluent; an incerement; a differential.
Fluxion :: Fluxion (n.) A method of analysis developed by Newton, and based on the conception of all magnitudes as generated by motion, and involving in their changes the notion of velocity or rate of change. Its results are the same as those of the differential and integral calculus, from which it differs little except in notation and logical method..
Fluxional :: Fluxional (a.) Pertaining to, or having the nature of, fluxion or fluxions; variable; inconstant..