Flambeau :: Flambeau (n.) A flaming torch, esp. one made by combining together a number of thick wicks invested with a quick-burning substance (anciently, perhaps, wax; in modern times, pitch or the like); hence, any torch..
Flamboyant :: Flamboyant (a.) Characterized by waving or flamelike curves, as in the tracery of windows, etc.; -- said of the later (15th century) French Gothic style..
Flamboyer :: Flamboyer (n.) A name given in the East and West Indies to certain trees with brilliant blossoms, probably species of Caesalpinia..
Flame :: Flame (n.) A stream of burning vapor or gas, emitting light and heat; darting or streaming fire; a blaze; a fire..
Flame :: Flame (n.) Burning zeal or passion; elevated and noble enthusiasm; glowing imagination; passionate excitement or anger.
Flame :: Flame (n.) Ardor of affection; the passion of love.
Flame :: Flame (n.) A person beloved; a sweetheart.
Flame :: Flame (n.) To burn with a flame or blaze; to burn as gas emitted from bodies in combustion; to blaze.
Flame :: Flame (n.) To burst forth like flame; to break out in violence of passion; to be kindled with zeal or ardor.
Flame :: Flame (v. t.) To kindle; to inflame; to excite.
Flame-colored :: Flame-colored (a.) Of the color of flame; of a bright orange yellow color.
Flamen :: Flamen (n.) A priest devoted to the service of a particular god, from whom he received a distinguishing epithet. The most honored were those of Jupiter, Mars, and Quirinus, called respectively Flamen Dialis, Flamen Martialis, and Flamen Quirinalis..
Flamineous :: Flamineous (a.) Pertaining to a flamen; flaminical.