Boutefeu :: Boutefeu (n.) An incendiary; an inciter of quarrels.
Defeudalize :: Defeudalize (v. t.) To deprive of the feudal character or form.
Feu :: Feu (n.) A free and gratuitous right to lands made to one for service to be performed by him; a tenure where the vassal, in place of military services, makes a return in grain or in money..
Feu De Joie :: Feu de joie () A fire kindled in a public place in token of joy; a bonfire; a firing of guns in token of joy.
Feuar :: Feuar (n.) One who holds a feu.
Feud :: Feud (n.) A combination of kindred to avenge injuries or affronts, done or offered to any of their blood, on the offender and all his race..
Feud :: Feud (n.) A contention or quarrel; especially, an inveterate strife between families, clans, or parties; deadly hatred; contention satisfied only by bloodshed..
Feud :: Feud (n.) A stipendiary estate in land, held of superior, by service; the right which a vassal or tenant had to the lands or other immovable thing of his lord, to use the same and take the profists thereof hereditarily, rendering to his superior such duties and services as belong to military tenure, etc., the property of the soil always remaining in the lord or superior; a fief; a fee..
Feudal :: Feudal (a.) Of or pertaining to feuds, fiefs, or feels; as, feudal rights or services; feudal tenures..
Feudal :: Feudal (a.) Consisting of, or founded upon, feuds or fiefs; embracing tenures by military services; as, the feudal system..
Feudalism :: Feudalism (n.) The feudal system; a system by which the holding of estates in land is made dependent upon an obligation to render military service to the kind or feudal superior; feudal principles and usages.
Feudalist :: Feudalist (n.) An upholder of feudalism.
Feudality :: Feudality (n.) The state or quality of being feudal; feudal form or constitution.
Feudalize :: Feudalize (v. t.) To reduce toa feudal tenure; to conform to feudalism.
Feudalized :: Feudalized (imp. & p. p.) of Feudaliz.
Feudalizing :: Feudalizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Feudaliz.
Feudally :: Feudally (adv.) In a feudal manner.
Feudary :: Feudary (a.) Held by, or pertaining to, feudal tenure..
Feudary :: Feudary (n.) A tenant who holds his lands by feudal service; a feudatory.
Feudary :: Feudary (n.) A feodary. See Feodary.
Feudataty :: Feudataty (a. & n.) See Feudatory.
Feudatories :: Feudatories (pl. ) of Feudator.
Feudatory :: Feudatory (n.) A tenant or vassal who held his lands of a superior on condition of feudal service; the tenant of a feud or fief.
Feudist :: Feudist (n.) A writer on feuds; a person versed in feudal law.
Feudtory :: Feudtory (a.) Held from another on some conditional tenure; as, a feudatory title..
Feuillants :: Feuillants (n. pl.) A reformed branch of the Bernardines, founded in 1577 at Feuillans, near Toulouse, in France..
Feuillemort :: Feuillemort (a.) Having the color of a faded leaf.
Feuilleton :: Feuilleton (n.) A part of a French newspaper (usually the bottom of the page), devoted to light literature, criticism, etc.; also, the article or tale itself, thus printed..
Feuilltonist :: Feuilltonist (n.) A writer of feuilletons.
Feuter :: feuter (v. t.) To set close; to fix in rest, as a spear..
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