Affability :: Affability (n.) The quality of being affable; readiness to converse; courteousness in receiving others and in conversation; complaisant behavior.
Affable :: Affable (a.) Easy to be spoken to or addressed; receiving others kindly and conversing with them in a free and friendly manner; courteous; sociable.
Fabian :: Fabian (a.) Of, pertaining to, or in the manner of, the Roman general, Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus; cautious; dilatory; avoiding a decisive contest..
Fable :: Fable (n.) A Feigned story or tale, intended to instruct or amuse; a fictitious narration intended to enforce some useful truth or precept; an apologue. See the Note under Apologue..
Fable :: Fable (n.) The plot, story, or connected series of events, forming the subject of an epic or dramatic poem..
Fable :: Fable (n.) Any story told to excite wonder; common talk; the theme of talk.
Fabric :: Fabric (n.) The structure of anything; the manner in which the parts of a thing are united; workmanship; texture; make; as cloth of a beautiful fabric.