Achilles' Tendon :: Achilles' tendon (n.) The strong tendon formed of the united tendons of the large muscles in the calf of the leg, an inserted into the bone of the heel; -- so called from the mythological account of Achilles being held by the heel when dipped in the River Styx..
Blendous :: Blendous (a.) Pertaining to, consisting of, or containing, blende..
Christendom :: Christendom (n.) The profession of faith in Christ by baptism; hence, the Christian religion, or the adoption of it..
Christendom :: Christendom (n.) The name received at baptism; or, more generally, any name or appelation..
Christendom :: Christendom (n.) That portion of the world in which Christianity prevails, or which is governed under Christian institutions, in distinction from heathen or Mohammedan lands..
Christendom :: Christendom (n.) The whole body of Christians.
Clarendon :: Clarendon (n.) A style of type having a narrow and heave face. It is made in all sizes.
Coendoo :: Coendoo (n.) The Brazilian porcupine (Cercolades, / Sphingurus, prehensiles), remarkable for its prehensile tail..
Crescendo :: Crescendo (a. & adv.) With a constantly increasing volume of voice; with gradually increasing strength and fullness of tone; -- a direction for the performance of music, indicated by the mark, or by writing the word on the score..
Crescendo :: Crescendo (n.) A gradual increase in the strength and fullness of tone with which a passage is performed.
Crescendo :: Crescendo (n.) A passage to be performed with constantly increasing volume of tone.
Decrescendo :: Decrescendo (a. & adv.) With decreasing volume of sound; -- a direction to performers, either written upon the staff (abbreviated Dec., or Decresc.), or indicated by the sign..
Diminuendo :: Diminuendo (adv.) In a gradually diminishing manner; with abatement of tone; decrescendo; -- expressed on the staff by Dim., or Dimin., or the sign..
Disendow :: Disendow (v. t.) To deprive of an endowment, as a church..
Disendowment :: Disendowment (n.) The act of depriving of an endowment or endowments.