Arenaceous :: Arenaceous (a.) Sandy or consisting largely of sand; of the nature of sand; easily disintegrating into sand; friable; as, arenaceous limestone..
Argillo-areenaceous :: Argillo-areenaceous (a.) Consisting of, or containing, clay and sand, as a soil..
Avenaceous :: Avenaceous (a.) Belonging to, or resembling, oats or the oat grasses..
Enact :: Enact (v. t.) To decree; to establish by legal and authoritative act; to make into a law; especially, to perform the legislative act with reference to (a bill) which gives it the validity of law..
Enact :: Enact (v. t.) To act; to perform; to do; to effect.
Enact :: Enact (v. t.) To act the part of; to represent; to play.
Enactive :: Enactive (a.) Having power to enact or establish as a law.
Enactment :: Enactment (n.) The passing of a bill into a law; the giving of legislative sanction and executive approval to a bill whereby it is established as a law.
Enactment :: Enactment (n.) That which is enacted or passed into a law; a law; a decree; a statute; a prescribed requirement; as, a prohibitory enactment; a social enactment..
Enactor :: Enactor (n.) One who enacts a law; one who decrees or establishes as a law.
Menaccanite :: Menaccanite (n.) An iron-black or steel-gray mineral, consisting chiefly of the oxides of iron and titanium. It is commonly massive, but occurs also in rhombohedral crystals. Called also titanic iron ore, and ilmenite..
Menace :: Menace (n.) The show of an intention to inflict evil; a threat or threatening; indication of a probable evil or catastrophe to come.
Menace :: Menace (n.) To express or show an intention to inflict, or to hold out a prospect of inflicting, evil or injury upon; to threaten; -- usually followed by with before the harm threatened; as, to menace a country with war..
Menace :: Menace (n.) To threaten, as an evil to be inflicted..
Menace :: Menace (v. i.) To act in threatening manner; to wear a threatening aspect.
Menacingly :: Menacingly (adv.) In a threatening manner.
Phenacite :: Phenacite (n.) A glassy colorless mineral occurring in rhombohedral crystals, sometimes used as a gem. It is a silicate of glucina, and receives its name from its deceptive similarity to quartz..