Elongate :: Elongate (a.) To lengthen; to extend; to stretch; as, to elongate a line..
Elongate :: Elongate (v. i.) To depart to, or be at, a distance; esp., to recede apparently from the sun, as a planet in its orbit..
Elongate :: Elongate (a.) Drawn out at length; elongated; as, an elongate leaf..
Elongation :: Elongation (n.) The act of lengthening, or the state of being lengthened; protraction; extension..
Elongation :: Elongation (n.) That which lengthens out; continuation.
Elongation :: Elongation (n.) Removal to a distance; withdrawal; a being at a distance; distance.
Elongation :: Elongation (n.) The angular distance of a planet from the sun; as, the elongation of Venus or Mercury..
Subelongate :: Subeditor (n.) An assistant editor, as of a periodical or journal..