Disciplinarian :: Disciplinarian (n.) One who disciplines; one who excels in training, especially with training, especially with regard to order and obedience; one who enforces rigid discipline; a stickler for the observance of rules and methods of training; as, he is a better disciplinarian than scholar..
Disciplinarian :: Disciplinarian (n.) A Puritan or Presbyterian; -- because of rigid adherence to religious or church discipline.
Disciplinary :: Disciplinary (a.) Pertaining to discipline; intended for discipline; corrective; belonging to a course of training.
Discipline :: Discipline (n.) The treatment suited to a disciple or learner; education; development of the faculties by instruction and exercise; training, whether physical, mental, or moral..
Discipline :: Discipline (n.) Training to act in accordance with established rules; accustoming to systematic and regular action; drill.
Discipline :: Discipline (n.) Subjection to rule; submissiveness to order and control; habit of obedience.
Discipline :: Discipline (n.) Severe training, corrective of faults; instruction by means of misfortune, suffering, punishment, etc..
Discipline :: Discipline (n.) Correction; chastisement; punishment inflicted by way of correction and training.
Discipline :: Discipline (n.) The subject matter of instruction; a branch of knowledge.
Discipline :: Discipline (n.) The enforcement of methods of correction against one guilty of ecclesiastical offenses; reformatory or penal action toward a church member.
Discipline :: Discipline (n.) Self-inflicted and voluntary corporal punishment, as penance, or otherwise; specifically, a penitential scourge..
Discipline :: Discipline (n.) A system of essential rules and duties; as, the Romish or Anglican discipline..
Discipline :: Discipline (v. t.) To educate; to develop by instruction and exercise; to train.
Discipline :: Discipline (v. t.) To accustom to regular and systematic action; to bring under control so as to act systematically; to train to act together under orders; to teach subordination to; to form a habit of obedience in; to drill.
Discipline :: Discipline (v. t.) To improve by corrective and penal methods; to chastise; to correct.
Discipline :: Discipline (v. t.) To inflict ecclesiastical censures and penalties upon.