Disability :: Disability (n.) State of being disabled; deprivation or want of ability; absence of competent physical, intellectual, or moral power, means, fitness, and the like..
Disability :: Disability (n.) Want of legal qualification to do a thing; legal incapacity or incompetency.
Disable :: Disable (v. t.) To render unable or incapable; to destroy the force, vigor, or power of action of; to deprive of competent physical or intellectual power; to incapacitate; to disqualify; to make incompetent or unfit for service; to impair..
Disable :: Disable (v. t.) To deprive of legal right or qualification; to render legally incapable.
Disable :: Disable (v. t.) To deprive of that which gives value or estimation; to declare lacking in competency; to disparage; to undervalue.
Disacquaint :: Disacquaint (v. t.) To render unacquainted; to make unfamiliar.
Disacquaintance :: Disacquaintance (n.) Neglect of disuse of familiarity, or familiar acquaintance..
Disacryl :: Disacryl (n.) A white amorphous substance obtained as a polymeric modification of acrolein.
Disadorn :: Disadorn (v. t.) To deprive of ornaments.
Disadvance :: Disadvance (v. t. & i.) To draw back, or cause to draw back..
Disadvantage :: Disadvantage (n.) Deprivation of advantage; unfavorable or prejudicial quality, condition, circumstance, or the like; that which hinders success, or causes loss or injury..
Disadvantage :: Disadvantage (n.) Loss; detriment; hindrance; prejudice to interest, fame, credit, profit, or other good..