Bidigitate :: Bidigitate (a.) Having two fingers or fingerlike projections.
Digit :: Digit (n.) One of the terminal divisions of a limb appendage; a finger or toe.
Digit :: Digit (n.) A finger's breadth, commonly estimated to be three fourths of an inch..
Digit :: Digit (n.) One of the ten figures or symbols, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, by which all numbers are expressed; -- so called because of the use of the fingers in counting and computing..
Digit :: Digit (n.) One twelfth part of the diameter of the sun or moon; -- a term used to express the quantity of an eclipse; as, an eclipse of eight digits is one which hides two thirds of the diameter of the disk..
Digit :: Digit (v. t.) To point at or out with the finger.
Digitain :: Digitain (n.) Any one of several extracts of foxglove (Digitalis), as the French extract, the German extract, etc., which differ among themselves in composition and properties..
Digitain :: Digitain (n.) A supposedly distinct vegetable principle as the essential ingredient of the extracts. It is a white, crystalline substance, and is regarded as a glucoside..
Digital :: Digital (a.) Of or performance to the fingers, or to digits; done with the fingers; as, digital compression; digital examination..
Digitalis :: Digitalis (n.) A genus of plants including the foxglove.
Digitalis :: Digitalis (n.) The dried leaves of the purple foxglove (Digitalis purpurea), used in heart disease, disturbance of the circulation, etc..
Digitate :: Digitate (v. t.) To point out as with the finger.
Digitated :: Digitated (a.) Having several leaflets arranged, like the fingers of the hand, at the extremity of a stem or petiole. Also, in general, characterized by digitation..
Digitation :: Digitation (n.) A division into fingers or fingerlike processes; also, a fingerlike process..
Digitiform :: Digitiform (a.) Formed like a finger or fingers; finger-shaped; as, a digitiform root..
Digitigrade :: Digitigrade (a.) Walking on the toes; -- distinguished from plantigrade.
Digitigrade :: Digitigrade (n.) An animal that walks on its toes, as the cat, lion, wolf, etc.; -- distinguished from a plantigrade, which walks on the palm of the foot..