Acardiac :: Acardiac (a.) Without a heart; as, an acardiac fetus..
Adiactinic :: Adiactinic (a.) Not transmitting the actinic rays.
Anacardiaceous :: Anacardiaceous (a.) Belonging to, or resembling, a family, or order, of plants of which the cashew tree is the type, and the species of sumac are well known examples..
Archidiaconal :: Archidiaconal (a.) Of or pertaining to an archdeacon.
Cardiac :: Cardiac (a.) Pertaining to, resembling, or hear the heart; as, the cardiac arteries; the cardiac, or left, end of the stomach..
Cardiac :: Cardiac (a.) Exciting action in the heart, through the medium of the stomach; cordial; stimulant..
Cardiac :: Cardiac (n.) A medicine which excites action in the stomach; a cardial.
Diacatholicon :: Diacatholicon (n.) A universal remedy; -- name formerly to a purgative electuary.
Diacaustic :: Diacaustic (a.) Pertaining to, or possessing the properties of, a species of caustic curves formed by refraction. See Caustic surface, under Caustic..
Diacaustic :: Diacaustic (n.) That which burns by refraction, as a double convex lens, or the sun's rays concentrated by such a lens, sometimes used as a cautery..
Diacaustic :: Diacaustic (n.) A curved formed by the consecutive intersections of rays of light refracted through a lens.
Diachylum :: Diachylum (n.) A plaster originally composed of the juices of several plants (whence its name), but now made of an oxide of lead and oil, and consisting essentially of glycerin mixed with lead salts of the fat acids..
Diacid :: Diacid (a.) Divalent; -- said of a base or radical as capable of saturating two acid monad radicals or a dibasic acid. Cf. Dibasic, a., and Biacid..
Diacodium :: Diacodium (n.) A sirup made of poppies.
Diaconal :: Diaconal (a.) Of or pertaining to a deacon.
Diaconate :: Diaconate (n.) The office of a deacon; deaconship; also, a body or board of deacons..
Diacoustic :: Diacoustic (a.) Pertaining to the science or doctrine of refracted sounds.
Diacoustics :: Diacoustics (n.) That branch of natural philosophy which treats of the properties of sound as affected by passing through different mediums; -- called also diaphonics. See the Note under Acoustics.
Diacritical :: Diacritical (a.) That separates or distinguishes; -- applied to points or marks used to distinguish letters of similar form, or different sounds of the same letter, as, a, /, a, /, /, etc..
Diactinic :: Diactinic (a.) Capable of transmitting the chemical or actinic rays of light; as, diactinic media..
Diplocardiac :: Diplocardiac (a.) Having the heart completely divided or double, one side systemic, the other pulmonary..
Disdiaclast :: Disdiaclast (n.) One of the dark particles forming the doubly refracting disks of muscle fibers.