Depardieux :: Depardieux (interj.) In God's name; certainly.
Depart :: Depart (v. i.) To part; to divide; to separate.
Depart :: Depart (v. i.) To go forth or away; to quit, leave, or separate, as from a place or a person; to withdraw; -- opposed to arrive; -- often with from before the place, person, or thing left, and for or to before the destination..
Depart :: Depart (v. i.) To forsake; to abandon; to desist or deviate (from); not to adhere to; -- with from; as, we can not depart from our rules; to depart from a title or defense in legal pleading..
Department :: Department (v. i.) Act of departing; departure.
Department :: Department (v. i.) A part, portion, or subdivision..
Department :: Department (v. i.) A distinct course of life, action, study, or the like; appointed sphere or walk; province..
Department :: Department (v. i.) Subdivision of business or official duty; especially, one of the principal divisions of executive government; as, the treasury department; the war department; also, in a university, one of the divisions of instruction; as, the medical department; the department of physics..
Department :: Department (v. i.) A territorial division; a district; esp., in France, one of the districts composed of several arrondissements into which the country is divided for governmental purposes; as, the Department of the Loire..
Department :: Department (v. i.) A military subdivision of a country; as, the Department of the Potomac..
Departmental :: Departmental (a.) Pertaining to a department or division.
Departure :: Departure (n.) Separation or removal from a place; the act or process of departing or going away.
Departure :: Departure (n.) Removal from the present life; death; decease.
Departure :: Departure (n.) Deviation or abandonment, as from or of a rule or course of action, a plan, or a purpose..
Departure :: Departure (n.) The desertion by a party to any pleading of the ground taken by him in his last antecedent pleading, and the adoption of another..
Departure :: Departure (n.) The distance due east or west which a person or ship passes over in going along an oblique line.
Misdepart :: Misdepart (v. t.) To distribute wrongly.