Cryptocrystalline :: Cryptocrystalline (a.) Indistinctly crystalline; -- applied to rocks and minerals, whose state of aggregation is so fine that no distinct particles are visible, even under the microscope..
Crystallite :: Crystallite (n.) A minute mineral form like those common in glassy volcanic rocks and some slags, not having a definite crystalline outline and not referable to any mineral species, but marking the first step in the crystallization process. According to their form crystallites are called trichites, belonites, globulites, etc..
Crystallizable :: Crystallizable (a.) Capable of being crystallized; that may be formed into crystals.
Crystallization :: Crystallization (n.) The act or process by which a substance in solidifying assumes the form and structure of a crystal, or becomes crystallized..
Crystallization :: Crystallization (n.) The body formed by crystallizing; as, silver on precipitation forms arborescent crystallizations..
Crystallize :: Crystallize (v. t.) To cause to form crystals, or to assume the crystalline form..
Crystallize :: Crystallize (v. i.) To be converted into a crystal; to take on a crystalline form, through the action of crystallogenic or cohesive attraction..
Crystallography :: Crystallography (n.) The doctrine or science of crystallization, teaching the system of forms among crystals, their structure, and their methods of formation..
Crystallography :: Crystallography (n.) A discourse or treatise on crystallization.
Crystalloid :: Crystalloid (a.) Crystal-like; transparent like crystal.
Crystalloid :: Crystalloid (n.) A body which, in solution, diffuses readily through animal membranes, and generally is capable of being crystallized; -- opposed to colloid..
Crystalloid :: Crystalloid (n.) One of the microscopic particles resembling crystals, consisting of protein matter, which occur in certain plant cells; -- called also protein crystal..
Crystallomancy :: Crystallomancy (n.) Divination by means of a crystal or other transparent body, especially a beryl..