Imperscrutable :: Imperscrutable (a.) Not capable of being searched out; inscrutable.
Inscrutability :: Inscrutability (n.) The quality or state of being inscrutable; inscrutableness.
Inscrutable :: Inscrutable (a.) Unsearchable; incapable of being searched into and understood by inquiry or study; impossible or difficult to be explained or accounted for satisfactorily; obscure; incomprehensible; as, an inscrutable design or event..
Inscrutableness :: Inscrutableness (n.) The quality or state of being inscrutable; inscrutability.
Scrutator :: Scrutator (n.) One who scrutinizes; a close examiner or inquirer.
Scrutineer :: Scrutineer (n.) A scrutinizer; specifically, an examiner of votes, as at an election..
Scrutinize :: Scrutinize (v. t.) To examine closely; to inspect or observe with critical attention; to regard narrowly; as, to scrutinize the measures of administration; to scrutinize the conduct or motives of individuals..