Accolade :: Accolade (n.) A ceremony formerly used in conferring knighthood, consisting am embrace, and a slight blow on the shoulders with the flat blade of a sword..
Accolade :: Accolade (n.) A brace used to join two or more staves.
Acolyctine :: Acolyctine (n.) An organic base, in the form of a white powder, obtained from Aconitum lycoctonum..
Acolyte :: Acolyte (n.) One who has received the highest of the four minor orders in the Catholic church, being ordained to carry the wine and water and the lights at the Mass..
Acolyte :: Acolyte (n.) One who attends; an assistant.
Anacoluthon :: Anacoluthon (n.) A want of grammatical sequence or coherence in a sentence; an instance of a change of construction in a sentence so that the latter part does not syntactically correspond with the first part.
Borecole :: Borecole (n.) A brassicaceous plant of many varieties, cultivated for its leaves, which are not formed into a compact head like the cabbage, but are loose, and are generally curled or wrinkled; kale..
Bricole :: Bricole (n.) A kind of traces with hooks and rings, with which men drag and maneuver guns where horses can not be used..
Broccoli :: Broccoli (n.) A plant of the Cabbage species (Brassica oleracea) of many varieties, resembling the cauliflower. The curd, or flowering head, is the part used for food..
Bucolic :: Bucolic (a.) Of or pertaining to the life and occupation of a shepherd; pastoral; rustic.
Bucolic :: Bucolic (n.) A pastoral poem, representing rural affairs, and the life, manners, and occupation of shepherds; as, the Bucolics of Theocritus and Virgil..