Bumbailiff :: Bumbailiff (n.) See Bound bailiff, under Bound, a..
Bumbelo :: Bumbelo (n.) A glass used in subliming camphor.
Bumble :: Bumble (v. i.) To make a hollow or humming noise, like that of a bumblebee; to cry as a bittern..
Bumblebee :: Bumblebee (n.) A large bee of the genus Bombus, sometimes called humblebee; -- so named from its sound..
Bumboat :: Bumboat (n.) A clumsy boat, used for conveying provisions, fruit, etc., for sale, to vessels lying in port or off shore..
Obumbrant :: Obumbrant (a.) Overhanging; as, obumbrant feathers..
Obumbrate :: Obumbrate (v. t.) To shade; to darken; to cloud.
Subumbonal :: Subulipalp (n.) One of a group of carabid beetles having slender palpi.
Subumbrella :: Subumbonal (a.) Beneath or forward of the umbos of a bivalve shell.