Believe :: Believe (n.) To exercise belief in; to credit upon the authority or testimony of another; to be persuaded of the truth of, upon evidence furnished by reasons, arguments, and deductions of the mind, or by circumstances other than personal knowledge; to regard or accept as true; to place confidence in; to think; to consider; as, to believe a person, a statement, or a doctrine..
Believe :: Believe (v. i.) To have a firm persuasion, esp. of the truths of religion; to have a persuasion approaching to certainty; to exercise belief or faith..
Believer :: Believer (n.) One who believes; one who is persuaded of the truth or reality of some doctrine, person, or thing..
Believer :: Believer (n.) One who gives credit to the truth of the Scriptures, as a revelation from God; a Christian; -- in a more restricted sense, one who receives Christ as his Savior, and accepts the way of salvation unfolded in the gospel..
Believer :: Believer (n.) One who was admitted to all the rights of divine worship and instructed in all the mysteries of the Christian religion, in distinction from a catechumen, or one yet under instruction..
Disbelieve :: Disbelieve (v. t.) Not to believe; to refuse belief or credence to; to hold not to be true or actual.
Misbelieve :: Misbelieve (v. i.) To believe erroneously, or in a false religion..
Misbeliever :: Misbeliever (n.) One who believes wrongly; one who holds a false religion.
Unbelieved :: Unbelieved (a.) Not believed; disbelieved.
Unbeliever :: Unbeliever (n.) One who does not believe; an incredulous person; a doubter; a skeptic.
Unbeliever :: Unbeliever (n.) A disbeliever; especially, one who does not believe that the Bible is a divine revelation, and holds that Christ was neither a divine nor a supernatural person; an infidel; a freethinker..