"aggregate :: Aggregate (v. t.) To bring together; to collect into a mass or sum. The aggregated soil..
-ate :: -ate () As an ending of participles or participial adjectives it is equivalent to -ed; as, situate or situated; animate or animated..
-ate :: -ate () As the ending of a verb, it means to make, to cause, to act, etc.; as, to propitiate (to make propitious); to animate (to give life to)..
-ate :: -ate () As a noun suffix, it marks the agent; as, curate, delegate. It also sometimes marks the office or dignity; as, tribunate..
-ate :: -ate () In chemistry it is used to denote the salts formed from those acids whose names end -ic (excepting binary or halogen acids); as, sulphate from sulphuric acid, nitrate from nitric acid, etc. It is also used in the case of certain basic salts..
Abacinate :: Abacinate (v. t.) To blind by a red-hot metal plate held before the eyes.
Abalienate :: Abalienate (v. t.) To transfer the title of from one to another; to alienate.
Abalienate :: Abalienate (v. t.) To estrange; to withdraw.
Abalienate :: Abalienate (v. t.) To cause alienation of (mind).
Abate :: Abate (v. t.) To beat down; to overthrow.
Abate :: Abate (v. t.) To bring down or reduce from a higher to a lower state, number, or degree; to lessen; to diminish; to contract; to moderate; to cut short; as, to abate a demand; to abate pride, zeal, hope..
Abate :: Abate (v. t.) To deduct; to omit; as, to abate something from a price..
Abatement :: Abatement (n.) The act of abating, or the state of being abated; a lessening, diminution, or reduction; removal or putting an end to; as, the abatement of a nuisance is the suppression thereof..
Abatement :: Abatement (n.) The amount abated; that which is taken away by way of reduction; deduction; decrease; a rebate or discount allowed.
Abatement :: Abatement (n.) A mark of dishonor on an escutcheon.
Abatement :: Abatement (n.) The entry of a stranger, without right, into a freehold after the death of the last possessor, before the heir or devisee..
Abater :: Abater (n.) One who, or that which, abates..
Abbreviate :: Abbreviate (v. t.) To make briefer; to shorten; to abridge; to reduce by contraction or omission, especially of words written or spoken..
Abbreviate :: Abbreviate (v. t.) To reduce to lower terms, as a fraction..